curmudgeon words used in a sentence
Curmudgeon Means
Sentences with the Word Current
curmudgeon words used in a sentence
Meaning of Zenith: To reach the highest point or the culmination. Use Zenith in a sentence : If this project gets successfully implemented, I will reach the zenith of![What is the origin of the word.](
The word elusive used in a sentence
curmudgeon words used in a sentence
Curmudgeon | Define Curmudgeon at.How to use word in a sentence. Example sentences with the word word. word example sentences.
noun a bad-tempered, difficult, cantankerous person. Origin: 1570–80; unexplained; perhaps cur- representing cur Related forms cur·mudg·eon·ly, adjective
I believe that mathematics should be taught, not collaboratively explored; algebra and geometry are better than a vague course of Integrated Math; spiraling doesn't
Origin of Curmudgeon Use word in a sentence