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LucisArt 3 Image Processing Software for.FUNKE'S KID CONNECTION. Located right inside FUNKE FIRED ARTS is the kids art studio you've been searching for! A fun, creative place where kids and adults feel right
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Worth1000 is the top creative contest site in the world. Every day we run lots of creative competitions of all types, including Effects contests (otherwise known as

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Alien Skin Software is the developer of Eye Candy, Blow Up, Exposure, Bokeh, Snap Art and other award-winning Photoshop plug-ins and iPhone Apps for photographers and
Alien Skin Software, LLC Photoshop Photo.
Color Wonder Glitter & Metallic. Glitter effects in the paper give Disney Princesses that special sparkle. Metallic effects turns Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pages
LucisArt, a Photoshop Plug-in, explores digital images in their entirety, reveals details, creates HDR images, creates unusual special effects and corrects image
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